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Podcast episodes
Episode 17: What high-performing countries are doing in maths. With Liana McCurry
In this episode, we have Liana McCurry back to talk about her Churchill Fellowship findings on what the top PISA performing countries are doing with maths instruction and how we can use that information to improve outcomes for kids living with learning difficulties.
Episode 16: The Importance Of Daily Review with David Morkunas
In this episode, we chat about daily review with David Morkunas, current head of teacher efficacy at Brandon Park Primary School, previously a teacher at Bentleigh West Primary School.
Episode 15: SLDs and Individual Learning Plans with Lilly Shanahan and Sue Griffith
In this episode, we chat with experienced teacher and intervention specialist Sue Griffith and YR 12 student Lilly Shanahan about Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). What are they for? Why do kids need them? How do we make them effective?
Episode 14: Maths and learning difficulties with Liana McCurry
In this episode, we chat with math teaching expert Liana McCurry. We delve into best practices for all students when teaching maths. We hope Liana’s insights will help create inclusive learning environments where every child can succeed.
Episode 13: ADHD and learning difficulties with Benita Ranzon
In this episode, we talk with Psychologist Benita Ranzon about one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized conditions that affect kids and adults – ADHD
Episode 12: The Teaching Morphology Rabbit Hole and Word Cracking
In this episode, we chat about teaching morphology with Sally Andrew who co-developed the original Word Cracker and of course Michael, who came on board to build the Online Word Cracker.