Episode 7: Learning to teach kids living with dyslexia. How to get started and what training you need.
In this episode we talk to Bill, Sally, Karen, and Louise who run specialist dyslexia teacher training. We find out what’s involved and help you decide whether you should take up the challenge.
Episode 6: How to choose a school for kids living with learning difficulties
Imagine if you could be certain about choosing a school that teaches reading and spelling in the most effective way for all students.
Episode 5: What’s changing with the teaching of reading in Australia (and why?)
This episode answers the common questions schools and parents have when changing from a whole-language or balanced literacy way of teaching to one supported by scientific evidence.
Episode 4: Dyslexia advocacy, with Dr Sandra Marshall
In this episode, we talk to Dr Sandra Marshall, BMBS FRACGP Dip Child Health, a General Practitioner in South Australia and Chairperson of Code Read Dyslexia Network. Sandra shares her insights for parents and teachers on advocating for kids living with learning difficulties.
Episode 3: What is dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia literally means disorder in calculation. It’s real and it impacts about 5-7% of the population. It is also one of the Specific Learning Difficulties (SLDs) so we need to talk about it.
Episode 2: What are dyslexia and dysgraphia?
In this episode, Michael and Bill do their very best to arm parents and educators with information about dyslexia and dysgraphia so they can better spot a good intervention and avoid precious time and money on unproven and disproved treatments.
Episode 1: SLDs and how to talk about them
In this episode Michael and Bill delve into what Specific Learning Difficulties are and the advantages vs the disadvantages of using terms like learning difference, disability or disorder to describe them.